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Legal and general risk information

edeXa Aktiengesellschaft is subject to Liechtenstein law. It is incorporated in the legal form of a stock corporation. edeXa is registered in the commercial register with the registration number FL-0002.593.297-0. The sole shareholder and holder is the parent company io-market AG. edeXa issues the Security Tokens as non-voting shares under Liechtenstein law. See further details in the corresponding whitepaper at . In all publications, unless otherwise stated, the German version applies in each case. A lawyer specialized in token sales supported edeXa AG in the company formation and implementation of the token sale.


This whitepaper claims to clarify and explain all details and information truthfully to the best of our knowledge. However, structures, plans and agreements may change at any time after the publication of this whitepaper. We are always focused on keeping our documents and publications up to date. edeXa AG aims to make these changes available online in a revised and updated version in a timely manner. All investors, users and interested parties have free access to the information via our homepage and social networks. We recommend every stakeholder subscribe to our newsletter to be informed about changes in a timely manner.

General risk

In principle, shares, as well as tokens, offer excellent opportunities for the above-average market, sector and company-related price increases. However, investors must also consider the possibility of loss. Risk is always two-sided; where gains are possible, losses cannot be ruled out. Investments in cryptocurrencies are subject to the usual capital market risks in addition to technological risk. The value of a token and the resulting income are subject to fluctuations or may be eliminated altogether. There is no guarantee that the invested amount will not lose value in the future. In extreme cases, there is also the risk of a total loss of the invested assets.

Exchange rate risk

More than standard (fiat) currencies, cryptocurrencies are subject to strong fluctuations. The volatility of all cryptocurrencies is many times higher than conventional (fiat) currencies, even intraday. In particular, significant losses (or gains) can occur when converting the investor's home currency into cryptocurrencies, as well as vice versa, due to the exchange rate change. Investors should pay particular attention to exchange rate risk when making decisions.


Statements Some statements in this whitepaper that relate to future business performance and future operations or developments may constitute forward-looking statements. These statements are often, but not exclusively, identified by terminology such as "estimate," "will," "expect," "want," "may," "seek," "intend," "plan," "believe," "seek to," and "predict" or similar expressions. These statements and remarks are based on current expectations and knowledge, some of which are also beyond our control. If some or more of the underlying expectations do not materialize, or if assumptions prove incorrect, actual outcomes, goals and projected results may vary materially from those expressed or implied by the forward-looking statement. This applies to both negative and positive deviations. edeXa cannot ensure and does not intend to update all forward-looking statements in a timely manner or to correct them in the event of developments that differ from those anticipated. For these reasons, forward-looking statements provide no guarantee whatsoever regarding the future performance and results of edeXa AG.

Trading platforms

Our EDX Token is intended to be independently traded on various secondary trading platforms in the future. Holders can freely convert, sell and trade the token without the consent or permission of edeXa AG. The platforms (exchanges) provided by external parties for this purpose do not belong to edeXa AG. Secondary trading platforms can be very speculative. The market is still very young and in its early stages. An efficient and arbitrage-free secondary market cannot be guaranteed at all times. Investors should take this into account when making investments and decisions. The maximum supply of EDX tokens is set at 10 billion. The token contract allows for adjustments to the current supply, ensuring flexibility and adaptability of the edeXa mainnet ecosystem and other mutichains.

Any changes to the total supply will be communicated transparently and in accordance with the token's governance framework. Stay informed about supply adjustments by referring to the latest updates and official communications.

Tax aspects

Both on the corporate side and for investors in many jurisdictions, the tax assessment and treatment of tokens is neither uniform nor stringent. Investors should consult their tax advisor or an expert on the tax treatment; edeXa cannot make any binding statements here. The tax treatment varies greatly between the individual jurisdictions so that adverse effects cannot be ruled out. There may be an obligation to file a tax return, pay an increased income tax or other withholding taxes. This description is exemplary and not conclusive. It is the responsibility of every investor to inform himself comprehensively in advance and, in case of doubt, to refrain from investing if there is any uncertainty about the local jurisdiction. The government in Liechtenstein is generally open to cryptocurrencies and token sales, as can also be seen from numerous media reports. The tax treatment has not yet been conclusively clarified in Liechtenstein, Switzerland, the European Union and worldwide and is subject to constant change as case law is just developing. This is not unusual in such a young market. Nevertheless, even edeXa cannot rule out the possibility that the tax treatment of the token in Liechtenstein will develop adversely for the company in the future.

Market risk and non-settlement

edeXa has strong partnerships and already has a successful partner at its side in io-market AG. Nevertheless, it cannot be ruled out that edeXa's innovative and novel products will not find targeted success in the market. A lack of interest in the market can lead to negative consequences for edeXa and the investors. Investors should be aware of the naturally increased risk of venture capital before investing money and should cope financially with a loss.

Espionage and hacking

The parent company of edeXa, io-market AG, has been a successful software solutions provider for many years. The need for high security standards and protection against cyber-attacks has always been part of everyday life. Nevertheless, there is no absolute security for any system. Both companies always update promptly according to the highest security requirements.

However, attackers can harm edeXa's business model on the one hand and target the token sale itself or the wallet on the other. edeXa will do everything in its power to ensure the best possible protection for the company and its investors.


In science, there is the term "unknown unknowns," which means unknown unknowns. We cannot give an exhaustive list of risks because the technology and regulation are so new. Both technology and regulation and the market environment can change at any time. On the one hand, as a benefit, and on the other, to the detriment of investors. Blockchain technology is as modern and disruptive an idea as it is new and inexperienced. As usual with novel technologies and processes, all risks can never be listed or outlined. Thus, further risks may arise in the future that neither io-market nor edeXa could anticipate before.

Other risks

This document does not constitute investment, legal, tax or other advice, nor should it be relied upon in making an investment decision. Each person is responsible for his or her own personal finances. Although every effort is made to provide accurate information, under no circumstances can or will edeXa and its owners, employees, authors and affiliates guarantee the completeness or accuracy of the content or its usefulness for any purpose. Therefore, edeXa and its owners, contributors, authors and partners make no promises or warranties and assume no responsibility for any liability, injury or damage that investors may cause or suffer in using the information provided in this document. All information and content contained in this document are to be used as-is. We encourage you to thoroughly compare all information provided on this website with other advice available on the Internet and from other sources and weigh it in relation to your particular circumstances and apply it accordingly.

None of the information in this document is intended as a substitute for professional advice, and users are encouraged to seek such advice before making any decision. It is solely the user's responsibility to determine whether the advice is safe and appropriate for their particular situation. Backtests are not actual returns, and there is no guarantee that past returns will continue and/or future returns will be generated. No recommendation, positive or otherwise, is made with respect to any individual security or token mentioned herein. No warranty is made as to the accuracy of information obtained from sources believed to be reliable. edeXa is not an investment advisor, bank, broker or dealer and therefore does not engage in the offer, sale or distribution of securities or provide investment advice. This document uses cookies. When you visit this document, our web server automatically stores details about your visit (e.g., the website from which you visit us, the type of browser software you use, the pages of the edeXa document you actually visit, including the date and duration of your visit).

However, this data is never associated with a specific user. Furthermore, edeXa does not collect any personal data. All information and materials published, distributed or otherwise made available in this document are for informational purposes only and are intended for your non-commercial, personal use. Information and published materials do not constitute a solicitation, offer or recommendation to buy or sell any investment instruments, to effect any transactions or to conclude any legal act of any kind. Under no circumstances should the contents of this document be considered financial advice. You are responsible for your own personal finances. Although we strive to provide accurate information, the owners, contributors, authors and partners of edeXa cannot and do not guarantee the completeness or accuracy of the content found on our website or its usefulness for any purpose under any circumstances. Therefore, the owners, contributors, authors, and partners of edeXa make no promises or warranties and assume no responsibility for any liability, injury, or damage you may cause or suffer in using the information provided from the document. We also cannot make any promises that our content or services will be made available to you uninterrupted, timely, secure or error-free. All information and content provided on is to be used on an "as is" basis. We encourage you to thoroughly compare all information provided on this website with other advice available on the Internet and from other sources and to weigh it in relation to your particular circumstances and apply it accordingly. None of the information provided on is intended as a substitute for professional advice, and users are encouraged to seek such advice before making any decision. It is solely up to the user to decide whether the advice is safe and appropriate for their particular situation.